Friday, February 26, 2010

What is Forex?
FOREX - the foreign exchange market or currency market or Forex is the market where one currency is traded for another. It is one of the largest markets in the world.
Some of the participants in this market are simply seeking to exchange a foreign currency for their own, like multinational corporations which must pay wages and other expenses in different nations than they sell products in. However, a large part of the market is made up of currency traders, who speculate on movements in exchange rates, much like others would speculate on movements of stock prices. Currency traders try to take advantage of even small fluctuations in exchange rates on daily basis.
In the foreign exchange market there is little or no 'inside information'. Exchange rate fluctuations are usually caused by actual monetary flows as well as anticipations on global macroeconomic conditions. Significant news is released publicly so, at least in theory, everyone in the world receives the same news at the same time.
Currencies are traded against one another. Each pair of currencies thus constitutes an individual product and is traditionally noted XXX/YYY, where YYY is the ISO 4217 international three-letter code of the currency into which the price of one unit of XXX currency is expressed. For instance, EUR/USD is the price of the euro expressed in US dollars, as in 1 euro = 1.2045 dollar.
Unlike stocks and futures exchange, foreign exchange is indeed an interbank, over-the-counter (OTC) market which means there is no single universal exchange for specific currency pair. The foreign exchange market operates 24 hours per day throughout the week between individuals with forex brokers, brokers with banks, and banks with banks. If the European session is ended the Asian session or US session will start, so all world currencies can be continually in trade. Traders can react to news when it breaks, rather than waiting for the market to open, as is the case with most other markets.
Average daily international foreign exchange trading volume was $1.9 trillion in April 2004 according to the BIS study.
Like any market there is a bid/offer spread (difference between buying price and selling price). On major currency crosses, the difference between the price at which a market maker will sell ("ask", or "offer") to a wholesale customer and the price at which the same market-maker will buy ("bid") from the same wholesale customer is minimal, usually only 1 or 2 pips. In the EUR/USD price of 1.4238 a pip would be the '8' at the end. So the bid/ask quote of EUR/USD might be 1.4238/1.4239.
This, of course, does not apply to retail customers. Most individual currency speculators will trade using a broker which will typically have a spread marked up to say 3-20 pips (so in our example 1.4237/1.4239 or 1.423/1.425). The broker will give their clients often huge amounts of margin, thereby facilitating clients spending more money on the bid/ask spread. The brokers are not regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (since they do not sell securities), so they are not bound by the same margin limits as stock brokerages. They do not typically charge margin interest, however since currency trades must be settled in 2 days, they will "resettle" open positions (again collecting the bid/ask spread).
Individual currency speculators can work during the day and trade in the evenings, taking advantage of the market's 24 hours long trading day
Forex Trading - An ABC For Beginners
If you want to create cash with a number of that nest egg that you have stashed aside for a rainy day, it's a great idea. Remember that nothing comes easily and you have to find out your ABC's. Like any other trading, you have to know what you are getting into, when to trade and when to not trade.

This is often a beginner's guide to forex trading. Here, you'll learn what Forex Trading is, and how you'll make cash off it. Remember, it's simply a beginner's guide, so you must make an endeavor to urge a lot of material and learn as much as you can.

Let's start!
Forex is an acronym for Foreign Exchange. In most simple terms, you purchase a currency for one country and sell that of another. Currencies are traded in pairs because each countries, whichever they're, need their money. So the shopping for one and selling another. Each currency wants to convert foreign currency that they receive during trade back into local currency to enable with native operations, which where the opportunity to trade comes in. Forex trading does not happen on stock markets like other money trading operations. It happens between currencies and is conducted through banks.

The foremost common currencies that are traded are Australian Dollar, the British Pound, the Canadian Greenback, the Japanese Yen, the Swiss Franc, and the U.S. Dollar. You'll conjointly notice countries in smaller regions trading between themselves.

Thus how do you create a profit? In each currency quote, there is a bid rate and also the ask or offer rate. Using hypothetical numbers, assume that you have got the bid rate for Japanese yen is 120.5 and the ask rate against the US dollar is 120.9. That can sometimes seem as 120.5/120.9. It means that that if you're holding 120.5 Yen, somebody else available is ready to relinquish you 120.nine for it. You may therefore pocket .four Yen, and there-in comes your profit. Now, extrapolate that number, and you begin to determine the potential.

The US greenback is considered a very stable currency (usually), and many People can be wanting to buy dollars. If you're holding onto a stash of greenbacks as an example, the demand for them is sometimes high, that means that that in keeping with the market rules, their worth is high. If you went into a bank or a forex trader and sold them off, you would seemingly create a handsome profit.

Like all other trade with low margins, the key to making more is to trade it high volumes - what is called a high volume business. If your stash is not therefore big, hang on to it until you have enough bucks to form you a handsome profit.

The opposite factor to do is to watch the forex rates hawkishly. Yes, very, very keenly. Forex rates amendment hourly, in some places in minutes. You want to recognize when to trade in or when to shop for and the only approach to try and do this is to know what is going on a minute by minute basis. You will have a broker do this for you, however bear in mind that they will cast off their commission fee. Otherwise, there are software packages out there that are attached to stock exchanges and simply by wanting at your computer screen, you'll see what the rates are and you'll be able to buy or sell.

Forex Trading Essential Facts
Are you are forex trader? If the answer to this query is on the positive note, then you are probably one of the thousands and thousands of individuals currently venturing into this money making business in various parts of the United States as well as in Japan, Europe, Australia and other parts of the globe as of today. Since forex trading or foreign exchange trading is widely acknowledge all throughout the world by a great number of people, it is very important for a forex trader to be equipped with the latest data and information regarding the developments in the value of a currency together with the current market trend and the possible fluctuations accompanying such trend that may happen or occur during a specific span or period of time.

Forex trading is truly an enormous world. People of different races, sexes and ages are currently engaged in this money making opportunity offered through the forex trading market or foreign exchange market as of today. These individuals tediously devote all of their time, effort and energy in order to be able to earn a substantial or profitable amount of cash or income by doing computations, tallying, comparisons and tabulations involving all of the latest data and information regarding the up to date values of the currencies involved in a forex transaction. It is of utmost urgency that a forex trader has these pertinent data and information in order for him or her to make the right decision of when to trade, buy or sell a specific currency during a precise or exact period of time.

In order to have the latest and up to date information in real time, it is thus necessary to employ the utilization of a forex day trading software or any other type of forex software. The said software must have a dedicated personal computer and an active and strong internet connection in order to accomplish such feat. The latest changes, fluctuations, comparisons and other important information will be automatically be recorded by the said software. An alert will then be sent to the user of the said forex software tool, enabling him or her to make the appropriate decisions of buying, selling or trading the forex currencies in question in order to gain a substantial amount of profit each and every time.

This forex trading software also lifts the burden of doing all of the hard computations, tabulations, comparisons of data and information between the currencies with the highest possibility of earning huge amounts of profit since it will do all of this automatically by just a push of a button. All of the necessary output consisting of the forex documents like charts, tables, computation catalogs, lists, diagrams and tallies will thus be produced in as fast as a few seconds to as long as a few minutes depending upon the number of data and information to be processed vis à vis the total strength of the internet connection and the speed of the computer used in the process.

What are Forex Options?
Forex options are an effective way of adding flexibility to your financial exchange trading. Buying and selling currency pairs is key to forex trading.
You can make profit with forex options when currency pairs are moving higher, lower and also when moving sideways. Currency pairs simply refer to specific currencies which are traded in pairs, such as the Euro-US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar-Japanese Yen (USD/JPY).

Most forex traders focus predominantly on the largest, most liquid currency pairs, known as "The Majors". These include US Dollars, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pounds, Swiss Francs, Canadian Dollars and Australian Dollars. The majority of daily forex trading takes place between the major currency pairs.

Forex trading takes place all over the world, beginning in Sydney, and moving around the globe as the business day begins, first to Tokyo, onto London and then to New York. Forex trading is therefore a 24 hour market.

With an average daily turnover of several billion, forex is the most traded market in the world. Unlike trading on the stock market, the forex market is not controlled by a central exchange, but is instead found on the interbank market, which is regarded as an over the counter (OTC) market.

Within forex trading there are standard options which are also called vanilla options, aptly named because they are designed to be straightforward and simple.

Exotic options differ because they offer extra variables which mean you can tailor them more specifically. When investigating vanilla options you will come across the terms calls and puts. Call options give you the right, without obligation, to buy a currency pair at a certain price, so long as you purchase on or before a certain date.

The same applies vice versa and put options give you the right to sell a currency pair at a certain price on or before a certain date, also without any obligation.

When forex trading you can both buy and sell call and put options so you can adjust your tactic depending on whether the currencies you have invested in are moving upwards, downwards or sideways.

Exotic options are popular because they can be customised very precisely to suit your specific circumstances. Exotic options are not available on every currency pair in forex trading; only those currency pairs that are traded actively enough qualify.

Shares can be traded in a similar way and this is called contracts for difference (CFDs) trading. CFDs trading allows you to trade on share price movements without actually buying the shares themselves, and is thus a form of futures contract. Traded in a similar way to ordinary shares, a CFD is an agreement between two traders to settle, before expiry of the contract, the difference between the opening and closing prices of the contract, multiplied by the number of underlying shares specified in the contract.

Everyone has their own style and spotting trends in the Forex trading market. If you are hanging out with six different traders, they may all have their own angle to day use in each and everyone of them may be profitable.

I have a friend who has made a fortune doing forex trading online for years. I once asked him if there are any common principles of success when it comes to currency trading. My millionaire forex trader friend told me most successful currency traders tend to use forex trading techniques that they are comfortable and confident with.

He emphasized that what works for one person may not be so attractive to another individual and vice versa. However, successful traders do have a few things in common when setting their guidelines. He went on and confessed to me the top 10 forex tips and tricks to succeed in forex trading as follows:

1. Establish a plan and stick to it - you made a plan for a reason. You did research, you probably track investments over a long period of time and then finally identify the forex trading system that worked for you. Staying with this system and using good money management is a way to keep the money rolling in. Don't make radical changes for no good reason.

2. Trends or transfer a reason - Use a good forex trend system and stick with it. If you're trying to buck the system and go against a trend or predict one because of a gut feeling, you're going to find yourself out of the forex market before you know. Follow trends and use them to make money.

3. Keep your money safe - you can do this by limiting your forex investment to 3 to 5% of your overall bankroll. Think about it, this allows you to have 20 dead deals before you would ever be out of the market. If you're doing your homework, the likelihood of this is very slim. Those that get overconfident because they have had a succession of profitable deals may decide that they can increase their profitability by committing their entire bankroll to one trade. You can all but guarantee that trade will be a loser and they will be broke.

4. Don't push a bad position - when you're faced with a losing deal, cut your losses and get out as soon as you can. There is no shame in admitting that he lost a little money as it happens to everyone sooner or later in this market. The key is to minimize your losses and get your money back out into a more profitable situation.

5. Take the Money and run - a lot of traders don't know when to get out. They get involved in a trade and don't set target profit and have no idea when the right time to sell is. Your research should give you a good idea of how much money you can make on your deal. Know what the limits are and set yourself target profit even before you enter the trade. Regardless of how fast you get there, take your profit before the trend reverses and you get buried.

6. Be emotionless - it may sound a little cold, but there is no room for emotions in the forex trading. Trading is cut and dry, you win some and you lose some. Any trader worth their salt will sit there and you'll have no clue if they just made a fortune or got buried. You simply need to keep your emotions out of the game.

7. If it doesn't come from you, don't use it - this is a pretty basic rule and won the absolutely must follow. Do not trust any information that comes from anyone else other than your own research. When people try to give you tips, say thanks but no thanks and avoid the pratfall of trying to make easy money.

8. Keep a log - everyone has to learn from their successes and failures. Keeping a journal of what you bought, how much you bought it for and when you sold will enable you to look back at all of your previous deals and break down better what worked and what did not. This will make you a much better trader in the future.

9. Where there is doubt, there should be no trade - you're going to have too many positions that you feel strongly about to make a mistake and investing in something that you are not 100% sure is going to make money. This is not to say every deal that you do make is going to be profitable, but risking your money in a doubtful situation is never a good idea.

10. Don't over extend - some traders get themselves into a position where they are looking at several different profitable opportunities all during the same period. While it would be great to be involved in them all, it is simply not realistic. Spreading yourself out too thin will end up with your investments being out of control and you not being able to manage them. The best way is to only enter the second trade when the first trade has breakeven or have protected some profits.

Finding a Program to Assist You with Forex Signals
With the growing popularity and easy access to the foreign exchange (ForEx) market, more and more people are drawn to it as their financial vehicle of choice. Along with this popularity come all the extras. This includes all kinds of software, trading systems for sale, books, videos, and third party signal party providers. Today I'm going to touch on a few points when seeking out a third party forex signal provider.

Before we get into choosing a provider we need to have a good understanding of what a third party signal provider is. A signal provider is a trader or analyst that generates trades that in turn get placed on your account. You can have several signal providers trading your forex account or just one.

Like anything else, all third party signal providers are not created equal. At first glance a trader may look like a home run. That same trader may well end up completely torpedoing your entire account in one afternoon. To help make sure this doesn't happen we'll set down a few guidelines. These guidelines will give us something to look for when choosing our third party signal provider.

1. The first thing I look at is weather the trader is a winner or a loser. This may seem obvious to nearly everyone, but I often see losing signal providers with 50-100 people trading their signals.

2. The next thing I look at is how long they have been a winner. If a trader has been winning for a week that means nothing to me. I recommend that you don't trade any signal provider with less than a few months of results to show you. Any one can place a few good trades one week and get lucky. If you are going to be trading this trader's signals they need to be established.

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3. Look at the max draw down. This is the largest peak to trough draw down in equity that the trader has historically had. Some traders refuse to take a loss. This causes them to hold on to losing trades forever or until they turn to a winner. Turning a loser into a winner sounds great, but it will eat up a huge chunk of margin and may never turn around. If it doesn't turn in your direction, you will have your entire account destroyed by a trader that could have taken a 30 pip loss but held on until it was an 800 pip loss.

4. The first three are easy to look at. They will be displayed right on the main screen of signal providers to choose from. Once you get a few signal providers you are thinking of using, its time to dive a bit deeper into their history.

a. Look at their actual trades. Do they have a good win rate because they have opened a ton of trades all at the same time on the same currency pair? They may have 20 winners in a row. This looks great, but if you look a bit deeper you will see that its really only 1 winning trade places 20 times. Not as impressive is it?
b. Look at their draw down on individual trades. Do they let a trade go 300 pips against them and then close it out when it hits 5 pips of profit? This is a trader who lets their losses run out of control and cuts their winning trades short. It's not a trader that you want in control of your money.
c. Do they add to losing positions? A trader who constantly adds to losing positions hoping it will turn for them is not someone you want trading your account.

5. Choose a signal provider that suits you. Some traders may provide larger returns over time, but take bigger risks leading to bigger draw downs. This might be OK with you. If you are more conservative and cannot stomach large drops in equity you probably should choose a more conservative trader.

These are just a few things to look for when choosing a third party signal provider to trade your forex account. You should always trade a demo account before opening a live account with real money. Remember it's your account. In the end you choose the signal providers, and you are responsible for what happens.
How Do I Trade Forex? 5 Tips by
The term forex is a nickname for the foreign exchange market. This is a financial market for buying and selling the world’s many foreign currencies. It is also referred to as FX. Unlike the NASDAQ or other centralized financial markets based in a single country and run by a single organizing body, the foreign exchange market is a global, decentralized financial market operating in every country in the world. Even though it is decentralized, the forex is anchored in a handful of financial centers around the world, namely London, New York, and Tokyo. Of course, provided that you have the right type of forex broker account (see below), you do not need to live in one of these large financial centers in order to trade foreign currencies. You can trade through a broker or get your own brokerage account and effectively execute trades from anywhere. If you are wondering, How do I trade Forex, here are 5 tips that can help: 1. Understand the basics of foreign currency exchange: Trading in the forex market can be hugely profitable, but also very risky. It is important to educate yourself with at least the basics of trading before you get started. Read some online wikis and other materials to become familiar with the terminology and how things work. 2. Get a charting package: You can find software packages that connect in real time to current prices and show you how each currency is trending. These packages also help you conduct your own technical analyses of the action. While gaining proficiency in charting software will not make you an instant forex expert or guarantee you a win, getting a charting package can give you an excellent head start toward giving you a feel of how this fascinating market works. 3. Understand the risks: As mentioned above, participating in forex is risky especially if you are calling the shots on your own trades. Granted: the upside in this the world’s largest financial market are enormous, you can also lose your shirt by trading too much at the wrong time. A way to manage risk while you improve your trading skills is to trade using a demo account. Such an account will behave in every way like a real account but without your having to put any money into the ring. 4. You will need a broker account or trade through a margin broker: Once you are actually ready to start making trades, you will need to either get your own broker account or to find a margin broker to work with you. 5. Consider purchasing automated forex software: There are available today excellent software packages that will actually make trading decisions and execute trades on your behalf. In fact, it is so easy to use that you may feel guilty for not having to know more about how the whole thing works. Even if you do invest in such a software package, make sure to start things off in demo mode. That way, you can play with pretend money before investing your own cash to make the real money. The FX market represents an exciting investment opportunity for many who are interested in making extra money or even making a living through investing. There are various ways to trade forex, from becoming a bona fide expert to leveraging the power of a good trading software package. Any way you approach it, be sure to understand the risks (and rewards) in advance.

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